Happiness at work – Part 2
September 25, 2015
Creating energy to implement a new strategy
Creating energy to implement a new strategy
November 25, 2015

Neuroscience and goals.

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If we’re not careful just going through the process of setting the goals can become the end in itself. What we need to remember is the purpose is to achieve the goal, so we need to keep our focus firmly on action. This webinar helps with tips and tools.


Making a list of goals feels organised, invigorating and inspiring. Or it can feel daunting and completely unrealistic. If we’re not careful just going through the process of setting the goals can become the end in itself. What we need to remember is that the aim is to achieve the goal, so we need to keep our focus firmly on action. So here are some strategies, backed by science, on how to set up and achieve goals.

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