What’s the purpose of positive emotions?
June 19, 2017
How feedback systems can help mine data
July 8, 2017

With the use of modern feedback platforms, you can have a rich source of data. Organisations can benefit from real time insights into their cultural DNA.


Performance Feedback- Mining Data

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Are you changing your Performance Management approach?

Have you taken out rating?

Are you struggling to describe what is going on with performance?

At this special Breakfast Club, we welcomed David Perks from Pay Compliment Australia. David’s company uses an understanding of how the brain works to design feedback and performance software which allows users to give continuous feedback. David shared a case study with us highlighting some of the data you can collect and the trends you can glean from it, using feedback data.

One of the things holding organisations back from replacing old fashioned annual review processes is a fear of losing quantitative information.

With the use of modern feedback platforms, you can have a rich source of data. Organisations can benefit from real time insights into their cultural DNA that annual frequencies don’t allow.

In this Breakfast Club webinar, we looked at the kinds of insight that can be gleaned from data mining of real time feedback, and some actual trends that you might not have expected.


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