Brain-Savvy Wo+man
Career management for women
These are exciting times for women at work.
Young women today expect to go as far as their ambition can take them. And further.
Like modern men, they don’t see themselves in a cut-throat competition to climb the greasy pole. Smart organisations are being reinvigorated and reinvented to be more inclusive, more dynamic, and more responsive to the diverse markets they work in, and the clients they serve.
The best organisations now work better for the women and the men who work in them – and they see the results in the bottom line.
You want to make sure that’s the bandwagon you’re on, and not a career-track that’s been stalled by
dinosaur attitudes, old-fashioned expectations, and one-too-many setbacks.
And yet…
Despite the new business landscape, only 8% of women say they’re achieving their career goals.
What might be holding you back?
- You’re not getting “constructive” feedback? Women get critical comments in 88% of job reviews, compared with just 59% of men. Learn how to turn that around.
- You’re not getting the experience you need? Only 35% of women have profit-and-loss roles in the UK’s top companies. Position yourself for the opportunities you need.
- You’re not as confident as you deserve to be? 24% of women say they lack confidence. An understanding of neuroscience will help you change your mindset.
- It’s an uphill struggle with a family… No question: the expectations are different for working mothers. But forewarned is forearmed.
- You’re not getting the opportunities and rewards you deserve? Learn how to negotiate effectively, using the insights women have to their advantage.
There are plenty of courses and books out there, promising to boost your career. But are they based on evidence, or just catchy ideas?
The science of how our brains work is the highly effective weapon in our armoury.
How can neuroscience help in your day-to-day challenges?
Understanding the habits and shortcuts of how we make decisions, and what the brain finds “rewarding” makes it easy to work with those processes (rather than against them).
For example: why might it actually be more important to emphasise your potential than your concrete achievements? That’s to do with how the brain processes uncertainty.
Read more about the issues each module will address, and how you can tailor this online course according to your individual career challenges.
And if you’re a career development decision-maker within your organisation, contact us at sarahnorth@hhab.co.uk to discuss our corporate programme.