Set your future leaders up for success

Emerging leaders can develop brain-savvy leadership habits from the start.


Ninety five percent of employees say their leaders do not demonstrate brain-savvy behaviour. So that means the majority of leaders are working in a way that creates a stressful climate, inhibits learning and shuts down creativity, problem-solving and innovation. Brain-savvy leaders do the opposite. They understand how the brain works so they can better engage, motivate and manage change effectively. You can watch our short animated video about the characteristics of brain-savvy leadership and developing new leaders here.

Head Heart + Brain Part 1: Leaders from HHAB on Vimeo.

We have developed a programme designed to develop these brain-savvy habits from the start of the leadership journey. We believe this will improve the chances of leaders being successful and businesses meeting their strategic goals.

Features of the programme:

+      A number of modules over three months. Allowing time to embed learning and create new behaviours

+      Includes face to face, action learning and our unique social learning platform – MasterMind

+      Is open to participants from a number of sectors – enhancing networks and understanding the challenges of other leaders.

+      Based in London

+      Incorporates our understanding of how people learn and change.

+      Cost effective

We also offer tailored programmes for companies; face to face or virtual programmes to cater for emerging leaders located around the world.