The Neuroscience and Business
Virtual Breakfast Club 


The Brain-savvy Business Breakfast Club grew out of clients asking us how various business could be better led and managed by following the insights from neuroscience. We run a face to face club in London and many clients outside London asked if there was a way for them to take part. The Virtual Breakfast Club creates a webinar each month which you can join and participant in. We typically give some brief insight into the neuroscience findings and then members discuss and debate the implications and application to their business. The club has gone from strength to strength with more than 200 people registering for most topics.

If you would like to join the Virtual Breakfast Club, please just register for one of the event and we will add you to the invitation list. If you are interested in joining the face to face breakfast club and join senior colleagues discussing the topics, please contact


Gender stereotypes and their impact….really still?

Do we really need to be talking about gender stereotypes in 2017? The numbers of women at the top of organisations would suggest we do but the evidence is confusing.

In a survey conducted for my forthcoming book Brain-savvy Wo+man, we asked over 1000 people if they had experienced unequal treatment at work based on gender. 70% of women said they hadn't experienced any unequal treatment. This surprised us at first. But on reflection in the light of many women wanting to make it on their own merit we began to understand the result. And when we look at the numbers of women in senior roles, especially leadership roles we know some women, at least 30%, but probably more overall, are suffering if not from being treated unequally then because of the impact of stereotypes in the work place.

Why do we think this? Well we can't ignore that men still hold 84 percent of the seats on executive committees in the top 350 UK businesses and the number isn't so different in the public sector. Men do have a disproportionate hold on the positions of power and influence - and so it continues.

This interactive discussion will look at stereotypes how they are formed, maintained and their impact at work. We will also share some of the finding from our research. We will discuss some practical advice on what works to manage in a workplace where stereotypes persist.

Please join us on the 25th October for this webinar at 8:30 to 9:15

The Breakfast Club looks at creating an inclusive culture. For our book, Brain-savvy Wo+man we carried out research seeking to understand what makes the biggest difference in moving the dial on an inclusive and diverse workforce. We found the success factors go beyond having inclusive leaders. We also found what subtle issues undo your good work.

In this Breakfast Club meeting we will share the model we created on an Inclusive culture. The model enables you to focus on what makes the most difference as well as tweak your own D&I efforts.

Join us face to face in London on the 7th November or virtually via webinar on the9th November. You can register for the webinar using the link above. If you would like to join the face to face Breakfast Club meeting please contact

Companies are focused on creating an inclusive culture. But there are areas which are proving difficult to tackle because, much like unconscious bias, they happen outside of awareness. Micros-behaviours were first researched and written about by Mary Rowe, a professor at the Sloan School of management at MIT in 1972. She described them as "micro-inequities" and acknowledged that victims, bystanders and leaders alike find it hard to identify them. When the targets of micro-inequities do recognise the micro-messages, they find it's exceedingly hard to explain to other people why these small behaviours can be a huge problem. Because they are small behaviours: it's easy to belittle their effect.

So how do you help leaders recognise and manage their own micro-inequalities and use more micro-affirmations? This is the topic for our December Breakfast Club.

Join us face to face in London on the 6th December or virtually via webinar on the 5th December. You can register for the webinar using the link above. If you would like to join the face to face Breakfast please contact

If you would like to be part of the club and
join one or all of these sessions please contact Jan Hills