Virtual Training programme
for HR BP’s 


Do your HR Business Partners feel like this when you ask them to attend a programme? Not the ones who attend our Virtual HR Business Partner programme!


Many of our clients want to attend HR Business Partner workshops but are based all over the world or have global Business Partner teams. So we created a virtual programme, using our experience of brain-savvy learning and the content we know makes the biggest difference to success.

Our virtual programme uses Head Heart + Brain’s global research on exceptional HR Business Partnering – the first research of its type by a consulting organisation.  It also draws on our years of experience developing HR Business Partner capability in organisations around the world.

The programme is delivered virtually using our social learning platform and content BrainBoxHR, together with our interactive webinars, projects and community learning. Our programme is based on the latest neuroscience research into how the brain learns.  This research shows the brain retains information best in smaller chunks over longer periods of time and with opportunities for reflection and practice in between.  The brain also likes to learn with others. That makes a virtual programme ideal for learning. We have organised our programme around this brain-savvy understanding.  So you get maximum benefit from the time you put in.

Many of our clients want to attend HR Business Partner workshops but are based across the country, or have a global Business Partner team. So we created a virtual programme.


Why virtual?

Many of our clients want to attend HR Business Partner workshops but are based across the country, or have a global Business Partner team. So we created a virtual programme, using our experience of brain-savvy learning and the content we know makes the biggest difference to success.

Our virtual programme uses Head Heart + Brain’s global research on exceptional HR Business Partnering the first research of its type by a consulting organisation. It also draws on our years of experience developing HR Business Partner capability in organisations around the world. You can read a summary of the research here

Armed with this insight, we explore the skills and mind-set that help HR Business Partners have real impact. We reveal the mind-set common to all successful HR Business Partners and we use our unique brain-savvy training approach to help them turn insight into new, successful habits back at work.

The programme is delivered virtually using our social learning platform and content BrainBox, together with our interactive webinars, projects and community learning.


Our programme is based on the latest neuro-scientific research into how the brain learns.


Brain–savvy learning

Our programme is based on the latest neuro-scientific research into how the brain learns. This research shows the brain retains information best in smaller chunks over longer periods of time and with opportunities for reflection and practice in between. The brain also likes to learn with others. That makes a virtual programme ideal for learning. We have organised our programme around this brain-savvy understanding. So you get maximum benefit from the time you put in.

Watch our video on Brain-Savvy learning here


The programme is ideal for all HRBP’s because the focus is on developing the mind-set and skills. Whatever your team’s starting point; we stretch them to be the best they can be in the role. New HR Business Partners will find it invaluable; HR Business Partners of 20 years’ will get access to the latest thinking and techniques. For these experienced people we focus on achieving mastery.


Here are a few benefits you can expect:

Honest self-assessment – by the end of the programme each participant will have a thorough understanding of their own strengths. They’ll have feedback from others via 360° assessment and one-to- one telephone coaching. Individuals will know where to focus to become a brilliant HR Business Partner, what drives success for them personally and why that’s important.

Mind-set, techniques and behaviours for success – they’ll know how to think and behave to have a bigger impact as an HR

Business Partner- they will also know why these mind-sets, techniques and behaviours work so well.

Specialist training – as part of the programme we offer a number of master classes. These will give an in-depth insight into topics like change leadership, using data to make decisions, employee engagement or presence. All are hot topics for organisations and HR business partner’s at the moment. We open these master classes up to other HR colleagues too so they can share the experience.


The team running our HR programmes are all experienced HR practitioners as well as facilitators and consultants with deep expertise. They bring their own experience and examples to their facilitation, as well as insights and understanding from our global research into what makes a great HR business partner. They are all members of our neuroscience study group so also bring understanding in brain-savvy learning and the neuroscience based content for participants.


Can virtual work? – We have been experimenting with this for the last few years and the short answer is yes.

Two aspects are important though. We design the programme to be virtual so there are three elements to each module: knowledge, processing, application.

Knowledge takes place in the workplace and is usually a video or some reading. Processing is the webinar when the group comes together to process the learning. Finally, application takes place in the workplace and is where the learning is applied and put into practice.

The second aspect is the mind-set of the participant. They are very much responsible for their learning. We ask them to select a sponsor from within the organisation and we include a Personal Learning Agreement to support them to keep on track with their learning.

Here are some of the other features we design into a programme tailored for your organisation.

Brainbox – The core of the programme is our social learning platform. We host all the content on this in a series of modules that participants access in their own time prior to a webinar. The content is tailored to your organisation but includes an online library of tools, frameworks, videos and techniques tailored to the HR business partner role for the duration of the programme. This tool also enables participants to form a social learning community; working with each other, and sharing learning, successes and application of tools. Organisations may continue to licence BrainBox to provide on-going learning after the programme. You can see a brief video demonstrating the platform here

Experiential learning – Our programme factors in time for people to try out new techniques. We include work on projects in the business and with peers during the programme. Facilitators are involved in the BrainBox learning community giving input, advice and encouragement so participants applying ideas and tools on the job.

Interactive learning via webinars – The programme includes webinars for each module. We know many people find webinars a passive learning experience. But not ours! That’s why we keep groups small; we build in involvement and keep them short to help the brain concentrate. Some of our webinars are 45 minutes; some are 60 minutes – depending on the topic.

1 to 1 attention – As participants will be in small groups – we recommend no more than 14 participants for each webinar, they receive focussed attention throughout the programme. The two facilitators for each programme remain with the participants throughout so they get to know the organisation and the business partners. We also include two 1 to 1 coaching sessions before and at the end of the programme to support goal setting and action planning.


Each virtual programme is designed for your organisation but typically they are structured in a similar way and spread over 6 -8 months.



Typical programme content

Each virtual programme is designed for your organisation but typically they are structured in a similar way and spread over 6 -8 months:

Opening 1 to 1 coaching session

At the start of the programme there is a 1 to 1 session with a Head Heart + Brain coach to help individuals reflect on pre- course 360° feedback and prepare for the programme.

Introduction to BrainBox and the technology

Setting expectations and ensuring participants get to know each other; they can use the technology and know the goals for the programme are critical to success. We usually invite the sponsor to do an introductory session often via video.

The knowledge elements

It is really important that participants come to the programme expecting to undertake work before and after each webinar. They will be expected to work with other participants in pairs or small groups to coach each other and we ask the HR leader to monitor and encourage application in the day to day work. Participants may be asked to present back insights and learning during the next webinar or make short video’s about their successes. This helps to build relationships across the cohort and ensures the webinars are interactive.

We focus the knowledge aspects of the programme on the self-directed work before and after webinars. We have designed the materials to also be brain- savvy so rather than reams of reading on line we include videos, articles, tools and activities carried out with other participants and in the work place.

Interactive webinars

The webinars focus on building the skills and mind-set for success as an HR business partner based on our global research. The typical content covered includes:

The research: The difference that makes a difference for HR Business Partners.

Relationships: The best HR business partners build and manage relationships to get business outcomes. We use our research and the latest findings from neuroscience plus our practical tools to set HR business partners on a path to successful relationships with clients and colleagues.

Know the business: Using our online business acumen e-learning and ideas like powerful questions we help HR business partners understand and focus on strategic conversations and data.

Independence: Having a point of view and the courage to voice it is what
differentiates the best from the rest. This is a learnt skill which is most successful when accompanied by a clear purpose.

Self-Belief: All the knowledge in the world is useless if the HR business partner does not have the confidence to use it. This can be learnt as well as built through success during application of ideas on the programme.

One HR: HR business partners deliver value when they know how to get the best from their colleagues. This includes a mind-set and skills that span a many of the topics covered. Understanding where and when the business partner is accountable is crucial here.

Master classes

They can choose a number of master classes. These provide deeper insight into a particular skill your HRBP’s may need based on your agenda. Some of the hot topics right now are:

1. Leading change

2. Building presence

3. Using data to make decisions

4. Employee engagement

5. Managing performance in organisations

We also encourage you to extend an invitation to HR colleagues in other job roles who may wish to attend. There is a small additional cost for additional attendees at master classes or attendance at additional classes.

Virtual programme: Typical approach

Closing 1 to 1 coaching session

We close the programme with a final 1 to 1 session with a Head Heart + Brain coach to support, develop and deliver an individual action plan.

Tailored to your team

This is an illustration of a programme but we like to tailor the time, content and focus to your organisation. We have also run similar programmes for Shared Services and Centres of Expertise staff as well as cross role programmes.


These are typically £3000 per person which assumes we tailor the language and focus but the structure of the programme is as described. There may be additional tailoring costs if your needs are different. For large numbers of participants please talk to use about whether we can streamline the costs

Your participants get access to our BrainBox social learning platform and content, our e-learning business acumen tool called The Business Factor plus our other online tools like our cards, for the duration of the programme, plus the 360° assessment.

How to find out more

If you would like to find out more get in touch.

Email or call 07770394256. Sarah will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Head Heart + Brain
We have been running HR development programmes for a number of years for multinational clients all around the world. These include ANZ Bank, Civil Service HR, Allens Australia, Taylor Wessing and many more.

Founding Partner, Jan Hills, developed the Success Profile methodology and used this to develop our global research study to explore what makes exceptional HR business partners.

Our name is pretty quirky; but it says what we do. We work with the head – the cognitive, rational content; the heart – the emotional content and lastly the brain – taking the latest findings from neuroscience to package what we deliver in a way that works for our brain. We believe through taking this approach that participants and clients will achieve lasting behavioural change.

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