Talks and short workshops on applying insights from science for woman and men who want to thrive in their careers


These are exciting times for women at work.

Young women today expect to go as far as their ambition can take them. And further.

Like modern men, they don’t see themselves in a cut-throat competition to climb the greasy pole. Smart organisations are being reinvigorated and reinvented to be more inclusive, more dynamic, and more responsive to the diverse markets they work in, and the clients they serve.

The best organisations now work better for the women and the men who work in them – and they see the results in the bottom line.

You want to make sure that’s the bandwagon you’re on, and not a career-track that’s been stalled by dinosaur attitudes, old-fashioned expectations, and one-too-many setbacks.

We give presentations, short workshops and one day workshops to give women and men insight into understanding the myths, stereotypes and research for managing their career successfully. You will come away with new understanding and tools to apply your knowledge.


Contact: Jan Hills,, 07766 805552
