Head Heart + Brain uses the findings of neuroscience, to improve leadership and learning. Author of Brain-savvy HR, Brain-savvy Leading and Brain-savvy Business

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What role do emotions play in decisions?
Why do people react to feedback differently?
Can your behaviour make others more effective?

The answers to these – and so many more tricky business questions – lie in neuroscience and understanding how the brain works. We call it brain-savvy working and we use it to help businesses achieve success.


How it works



What our clients are saying

open quotes
  • DWP learner, UK
    About our HR programmes Very good! Lots of take-aways to use in the role. Reflection on self whilst difficult is of massive benefit in terms of moving forward in my career. - Open programme participant I particularly liked what we did on Purpose & have started to link everything we talk about at meetings, and consequently, to business outcomes
    DWP learner, UK
  • From the line manager of a mid-level participant “….is practicing being assertive, which is fun to watch. She’s also finding the programme life changing and gives me enthusiastic updates when she’s completed a module.”
  • From the mentor of a senior women in the public sector “….after completing the ‘women in leadership’ module, she had a ‘ready brek glow’! She said working her way through it, she’d kept saying to herself ‘that’s me’ and found it so good, she’d done the module twice. She said that module was life changing as far as she is concerned; it had made her determined to apply for promotion and sell herself well. She hadn’t realised how much she put others first and critiqued herself until she did the module.”
  • HR Executive UK
    It looks brilliant, easy to navigate and so much material!
    HR Executive UK
  • Pharmaceuticals Senior Marketing Executive USA
    About our online women’s leadership programme "What I enjoyed: * Content is interesting (what’s why I’m on it quickly!) * The set-up of individual modules, very clear structure and easy to follow * The animation I didn’t find anything I didn’t like yet. I personally like the high-power posture section and the habit (name the cue, routine, reward to change behavior). And I will apply them in my daily work"
    Pharmaceuticals Senior Marketing Executive USA
  • Amy McCarthy, HRBP
    The expertise and insight that the HH+B team have is priceless.  Whether it is opening your eyes to new research or giving you the tools to think about where you spend your time.
    Amy McCarthy, HRBP
    Civil Service
  • Emma Goodson
    I was fortunate enough to participate in the HR ADP in 2014/15 and found it both challenging and rewarding in equal measure. The modules were very interactive and thought provoking and the neuroscience element, understanding that biology is at the centre of why we behave the way we do, has fundamentally changed and enhanced the way I interact with people both in and out of work, because now I understand so much more. The action learning sets have broadened my HR networks across government and really helped me to explore real work problems, the HR challenge, was exactly that and the one to one coaching sessions were possibly the most valuable development opportunity that I have experienced in the last ten years. Head, Heart & Brain did an excellent job and I simple cannot recommend this opportunity highly enough, it will challenge and change the way you think forever. Emma Goodson Participant in the Accelerated Development Scheme Leadership programme. Civil Service
    Emma Goodson
    Civil Service
  • Nicole Veash
    Head, Heart + Brain have delivered a best-in-class programme for our HR leaders of the future. It is rare to work with an organisation who put such a personal effort into creating a bespoke leadership programme. They managed to combine the latest thinking on HR, profound personal development work for participants and genuine insights from the world of neuroscience. We are really lucky to have worked with this organisation. The impact to the individuals involved and our profession’s capability journey is evident for all to see.
    Nicole Veash
    Head of HR Capability and Talent
  • Amanda Harrison
    Fabulous webinar from @headheartbrain - thank you so much Jan and @ShorebirdRPO
    Amanda Harrison
  • Emma Francis
    Great free webinar @ShorebirdRPO & Jan Hills @headheartbrain on the #neuroscience of goals and success see www.headheartbrain.com/wp//brain-savvy-leading-webinar/  for more. This was brilliant thank you for arranging. I am going to read more
  • Head Heart + Brain is a convincing concept that linked seamlessly to DWP ‘engagement’ conversations and people strategy……the session Jan Hills delivered to the senior leadership team in DWP East London district and then to a group of front line leaders further  brought the subject to life and provoked really productive debate and actions for our people to demonstrate  - it has had a lasting impact!
    Hilary Krisman Chartered MCIPD
    DWP HR Business Partner
  • Working with you on the implementation of our new carer model has helped us to better understand how to support the underlying change in mindsets and behaviour. Your expertise in neuroscience, experience as an HR leader and collaborative, authentic and generous approach are an invaluable combination. While working with you we have had fun, challenged our own mindsets, built our capability and changed our approach to development and leading change. We know our work together will positively impact the engagement of our lawyers and the impact they have in the market.
    Jane Lewis HRD
    Allens LLP
  • The new recruitment tools have enabled us to streamline our recruiting at Uniqlo by eliminating many candidates early in the process and improving the success rate of final candidates presented to senior management. This new approach has also created a better candidate experience resulting in an improved offer acceptance rate.
    Lynda Tyler,SVP HR and Group Officer
    Fast Retailing
  • Amy McCarthy, HRBP
    DO THIS COURSE! The expertise and insights that the HH+B team have is priceless. Whether it is opening your eyes to new research or giving you the tools to think about where you spend your time. Taking the time to reflect about myself and the organisation has been beneficial because it has aligned my thoughts and behaviours to think about the needs of the organisation and how HR can fit into that agenda. I have the confidence to challenge and coach stakeholders to think strategically – something that can often be lost in the HRBP role.
    Amy McCarthy, HRBP
    Civil Service
  • Really useful programme. Challenged me to look at my style and why I do what I do. Also challenged me to want to become better at what I do and focus on solutions and not just problems. HRBP Open programme attendee. “The 360 feedback and 1-1 coaching sessions have given me a greater awareness of areas I may need to focus on to become more effective in my role. The programme has also given me a variety of models and techniques to try out in my place of work, such as how to influence others and how to coach others and I am already seeing a positive impact on my relationships with my customers and colleagues.
    Simone Morris, HR Business Partner
    Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust
  • As a group of HR professionals dealing with change issues in different businesses but with little knowledge on neuroscience, we found Jan’s introductory session on the CORE model extremely insightful. We each took away a new approach to managing our change challenges and I have personally used the model to understand how leaders deal with the threats to certainty and reputation during large scale organisational change.
  • Integrating the Success Profile with the Abilities Model has meant we have created a continuous model of success from entry to Director level in the company. We can use this to accelerate development, hire and promote at Uniqlo and our other brands.
    Lynda Tyler, SVP HR and Group Officer
    Fast Retailing
  • I have found your work on the neuroscience of change management fascinating and have used it extensively for myself and others.
    Gemma Hook, Snr HRBP
    Department of Work and Pensions.
  • Caroline Rawes.  Director of Human Resources & Development
    The breakfast club provides hugely helpful insights on neuroscience: it brings together peers from all different sectors to generate lively and thought-provoking debate about its application in the world of work. A rich learning experience all round.
    Caroline Rawes.  Director of Human Resources & Development
  • Senior HR Leader Civil Service
    Really useful discussion and opportunity for networking
    Senior HR Leader Civil Service
  • Breakfast Club participant.
    The clear walk through of the science and the thinking and examples of application to business thinking were very useful. The practical application is really helpful
    Breakfast Club participant.
    Global Law Firm
  • Your work on neuroscience is fascinating and has helped broaden our understanding of working effectively with senior leaders; we have also used the CORE model within our own team to great effect.
    Melanie Steel
    HRD Cabinet Office


Want to learn more


We help businesses and HR teams train leaders, engage employees and connect with clients. If you’d like to talk, drop us a line or give us a call.

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