Science sheet
January 11, 2017
New Year resolutions
January 12, 2017

Change, threat and reward

This month in the Brain-savvy Business community, we look at change and the brain’s reaction to being asked to make changes. In this post, you will find:
  • Webinar- Change, threat and reward
  • Article – Minimising threat and maximising reward to accelerate change
  • Video – CORE model
  • Video – Reactions to change
  • Science sheet - The science of threat and reward. Download as PDF
  • Case studies – Brain-savvy change
  • Reflection questions to help you reflect on the materials and how it applies to you, your organization and your team
  • Tool – applying the CORE model to change
  • Tool – Increasing certainty
Please take advantage of the experience of other members of the Brain-savvy Business community and post.

Reflection questions – change

Use these questions to orientate you thinking as you watch and read about Minimising threat and maximising reward. Feel free to add your own questions.

How is change handled in your organisation? Are people engaged or told to change?

Which CORE elements are most sensitive in your culture?

Which elements are creating the most threat?

What rewards can you emphasis?

 Are people able to take control of their job and have choice about how they work within a shared purpose?

 Are people clear about what is expected of them?

How much control do people have about how they adopt new behaviours?

 How easy is it to implement changes in the organisation? From the leadership on down, how is everybody involved in making these changes?

Have you created a plan to embed the change?


Community Discussion


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